
Friday, November 20, 2009


IT's long i didnt post anything...well it can be called as a continuation of what i wrote under the heading...c"choicelessness of mind is freedom,conflict in mind makes it hell"...
but this time it's a bit more personal about my life...i had some of the best moments of my life,extremely happy and joyful experiences,pleasant smiles and wonderful time in the last 6 months...that got paused on not so good note..
I have no mind is choiceless and i am happily devoted to the love to the greatest friend of my life...I never want that this feeling of mine gets effected in any way...and i will do anything to preserve this feeling in my heart forever.
I keeps on living and dying and then living again and dying again in the very feeling of love with her.It has become a vicious cycle that keeps on continuing.what to do now?
I dont know anything so now I have surrendered everything to this vicious cycle in which I died once again.I will keep my devotion preserve in heart.I have no worries.I know she will take care of herself.she will be happy and she willl be fine.
this time i will wait for this cycle to end forever.....
This time i will wait that my devotion is accompanied by her in form of her very soul...
this time when i say i am devoted to you and hear it back it will last till our last breath...
I have raised myself above this cycle..
and till then i m devoted surrendered and happy....
because its the choicelessness of my mind heart body and soul...
I will not let this feeling of mine effected anyway...
and for this if i have to be with my devotion alone.....i will.....
because its something i adore forever...:):)